What is a Mediator At Law
You may be asking what is a mediator at law. A mediator at law is a person or occasionally a commission which is appointed to mediate or to be in oversight negotiations between parties in litigation or conflict. This covers a wide range of topics and could be a court appointed situation.
Usually, mediators have a background and are graduated in diplomacy and/or law, and may be specialized as well in negotiation, interpersonal psychology or other suitable fields.
The intervention of a mediator allows for the resolution of conflicts in a peaceful and fair way.
Contact Dallas Divorce Mediation Lawyer Rita Boyd
Whatever the particular aspects of your mediation case are, it is my hope that you will call me. Call me right now at 972-380-8000, and make an appointment to come in and discuss your challenges. Together we can! You can also email me. Since 1992 it has been my pleasure to serve the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex as a divorce mediator. Call me today and together we can find a resolution for your current challenges.